Are the products genuine?

Yes, the all designer products we find are authentic. We hunt designer product deals directly from the designer brands or authorized resellers only.

Are the products pre-owned?

No, these are not pre-owned products. All products are absolutely brand new.

How do you find these deals?

Our Artificial Intelligence software combined with our team of Expert Deal Hunters keeps searching for designer deals 24 hours a day to get you best deals on your favorite Designer Brands as soon as they become available.

Are there any hidden charges or fees?

There are absolutely no hidden charges or fees. You will pay $4.99 per month to receive deals of up to 80% off on the top 100 Designer Brands. Your first two weeks are completely free so it's easy to try our service without paying for it.

Can I stop using your service at any time?

Yes, you can choose to cancel our service at any time, no questions asked. All you have to do is send an email to cancel@unrealdesignerdeals.com.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to write to us at customercare@saviyo.com. We love hearing from our customers!